Installation process
To migrate IMAP mailboxex, the program can be installed on any machine with a connection to both the source and the target environment
Installation wizard
The program is installed using a typical installation wizard. In the first step, click Next and you will see the license agreement that you need to accept
Next, Application will be installed in default location.
After the installation, the application starts automatically
Impact of the EdbMails application on your servers
During the installation and configuration of the program, EdbMails Office 365 Migration tool makes the following changes to your system:
Operating system changesThe application lets you install the required .NET Framework or higher version.
Exchange server changesThe application requires you to assign the required management roles for migration (ApplicationImpersonation and View-Only Configuration) to the admin account used to configure a connection to a source Exchange server. This action grants access rights to migrate all users in an organization.
Target Exchange server changesThe application requires you to assign the required management roles (ApplicationImpersonation and View-Only Configuration) to the admin account used to configure a connection to a target Exchange server. This action grants access rights to migrate all users in an organization.
Changes to Office 365 (Exchange Online)The application lets you assign the required management roles (ApplicationImpersonation, View-Only Recipients and View-Only Configuration) to the admin account used to configure a connection to Office 365 (Exchange Online). This action grants impersonation access rights to migrate all users in an organization.